Download our Tidy Up song


Download our Tidy Up song

Christmas on a Budget

Keeping Christmas Budget Friendly Christmas is coming and no doubt you are already feeling over stretched, both mentally, physically and financially! Between all the activities, Christmas prepping, shopping and wrapping you are probably already worn out and it’s not...
A sensory adventure with our charity of the year

A sensory adventure with our charity of the year

Sense is Bear Town’s chosen charity, offering support and awareness of the valuable work undertaken. Sarah Turpin, one of the amazing communication specialists at Sense talks us through importance of sensory adventures!It’s great to have been chosen as Bear...
Taking care of your mental health during motherhood

Taking care of your mental health during motherhood

Hello, My name is Bryony Hasemore, I am a hypnotherapist and hypnobirthing practitioner who specialises in helping women with their emotions throughout their motherhood journeys. Motherhood is full of love and joy, but can also be incredibly overwhelming, with so much...