Download our Tidy Up song


Download our Tidy Up song


by | Mar 16, 2022

Written by Anna Roberts Regional Director @ Nanny Bears Childcare Ltd 

“Play is the highest form of research” – quoted by Albert Einstein. And if Einstein said it, then it must be true- right? I have to say, I completely agree (it would be rather foolish to go against the say so of a genius wouldn’t it!). I do have my own reasons in support of this and I invite you to read on and find out just why I think role play, in particular, is one of the most fundamental features of a child’s growth and learning.

I have worked in Early Years for almost a decade in various positions, and have been a part of the Nanny Bears Childcare family for the last 3 years. When I used to work directly with the children in the play rooms, I loved witnessing children take part in role play. It was such a privilege to have a front row seat to watch the inner workings of their minds divulge. My little one is currently 7 months old and I cannot wait to explore the realm of role play with her when she gets older! It’s such a perfect way of building your relationship with your child as you follow their lead on an adventure led by their imagination.

The benefits of an environment where imaginative play is accessible, is one with limitless possibilities. Because to children, their only knowledge is that anything is possible. Providing tools to your child which support them to perform their ingenious visions.

Role play is reasearch

To reflect on the sayings of Einstein… When a child plays, they are effectively completing research. Child-like, extensive research of the world around them. This is especially true when a child participates in role play. Children are studying their own life every waking moment and, when you create the opportunity for them to do so, they put into practice the social norms they witness every day. Every second your child spends role playing “real life”, they are teaching themselves social skills, problem solving and independence, moulding their brains, trying on different hats, to see which one fits their curious mind best. Through role play, children are shaping their future self, by imitating the actions of others. Imagine filling the shoes of a shopkeeper, police officer, baker AND a parent all in the same day! In a strange way, during those moments your child may be role playing the acts they’ve witnessed others perform, might just be when they will truly find themselves.

There are so many ways you can easily introduce role play at home, we also post photos of welcoming invitations to play on our Facebook page that will provide inspiration for home.

Not only does role play support the development of character, it is a universal language, it provides a pathway for all children- irrespective of age, ability or needs, to express their emotions and freely develop their ideas. By supporting children to learn through play we allow them to self-teach and the education they gain through this is immeasurable. Methods of communication are vast and the English language, they say, is one of the most difficult to learn. So, you can imagine, how daunting the task of talking must be for some of our tiniest beings- role play provides endless opportunities to practice, and learn, communication skills. Whether these are verbal or non-verbal, they are sure to help your child develop their ability to connect to others in the world. There are no ‘essential skills’ needed, there are no rules or requirements; the beautiful concept of role play is that each child can play at their own pace and potter to their heart’s content.

Role play prolongs the magic of childhood in the most extraordinary ways. Wouldn’t it be just remarkable if we could make it last forever…

Anna Roberts Regional Director @ Nanny Bears Childcare Ltd 

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